Divine Life – Biography of Swami Jyotirmayananda
Divine Life is the inspiring biography of a great Sage who began life as an extraordinary yet sickly child, enduring numerous misfortunes that threatened his very life – even before birth as well as throughout childhood.
After earning the highest academic marks throughout grade school, high school and college, and passing with flying colors the exam for post-graduate acceptance into Patna University’s Medical College, he learned that his desired place on the List of Accepted Applicants had been stolen.
However, with unflinching faith in the Divine Plan and undaunted spiritual determination, he transcended all tribulations and became the renowned Guru that he is today, profoundly transforming the lives of aspirants throughout the world.
Sri Swami Jyotirmayananda exemplifies the core Yogic teaching, “You are the architect of your destiny,” echoing the message that every person can be a steadfast hero in the intense battle of life, and as such, an inspiration to millions.
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