Showing 457–468 of 631 results

Shiva Purana (2014 Retreat – 9 hours)


Mystical insights into the Worship of Lord Shiva, Shiva Mantra, Tryambakam Mantra, and numerous Shiva leelas or sports of Lord Shiva are presented by Sri Swami Jyotirmayananda during this weekend retreat on the Shiva Purana (Rudra Samhita Parts 1 to 3). These talks will shed light on the highest summits of Devotion and Wisdom that can be reached by an aspirant for the attainment of Liberation (Moksha). (Approximately 9 hours)

Sri Anandamayi Ma Painting (Print)


Sri Aurobindo Painting (Print)


Sri Hanuman Chaleesa


Pages: ###
ISBN: ####

For centuries, seekers in India have recited the Hanuman Chaleesa for facing and overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles in life, for finding peace and solace in adverse conditions, for spiritual enrichment, for success in every walk of life and for attaining the goal of life – Bhakti and Mukti (devotion to God and Liberation).

Countless devotees from ancient times have derived immense benefits from this glorious text. Thus, the Hanuman Chaleesa has gathered immense spiritual potency. It is a glorious prayer for all times and for all humanity.

Translation and Commentary by Sri Swami Jyotirmayananda.

Sri Neem Karoli Baba Painting – (Print)


Sri Nityananda Baba Painting (Print)


Sri Ramakrishna Painting (Print)


Sri Ramana Maharshi Painting (Print)


Sri Ramana Maharshi Painting #2 (Print)
