The Yoga Research Foundation is extremely delighted to announce the 88th Birthday Celebration of our beloved Guru, Sri Swami Jyotirmayanada at the Miami ashram on Saturday, February 2nd 2019. Please join us for this special event as we celebrate Swamiji’s life and express our heartfelt gratitude for his tireless dedication in shining the lamp of wisdom which illumines the often shrouded path of spiritual advancement. The festivities will commence at 10 AM and continue until 3 PM, and we hope to see all in attendance for a delightful day of puja, kirtan, appreciations, lunch and the highlight of the day, Swamiji’s annual birthday message.
Our lives have been all touched in some magical and mystical fashion by Swamiji and his grace and insight continue to guide us, console us, and illumine our intellects. As we prepare to pay homage to our revered Gurudev on his birthday, here are some inspirational words from Swami Lalitananda on the unique quality of Swamiji’s teachings.
“Every individual seeks happiness from the time he enters this world, and strives to attain happiness, harmony, and peace by adopting every possible method. But though some may gain riches they do not enjoy happiness. Some may have harmony in family and yet, they are also not happy. There are others who have everything- wealth, health, prosperity, fame, power, and yes, they too are not happy. “The true happiness,” our Guru explains, “cannot be enjoyed by the objects of the world. The enjoyments of the objects are confined to the realm of the senses and the mind.” There are four factors related to the objects of the world, because of which true happiness cannot be experienced by them.
Firstly, the objects are perishable. How can one enjoy abiding happiness from things that exist only for a short while? Secondly, if there were happiness in the objects, a person would feel the fulfillment of all desires. But this is not so. He runs from one object to another. Thirdly, if happiness were external, it would be possible to find a standard object that would delight the heart of everyone. But this is not so. What is liked by one is disliked by another. Fourthly, one enjoys a unique type of bliss in deep sleep. This shows that happiness is there, even in the absence of all objects. If you reflect upon these, you will realize that happiness in objects is like a mirage.
One must turn ones vision away from the objects of the world and direct it to the inner self. However this is a mystic art that must be learned from a sage. A sage alone has the insight into the workings of the unconscious, and his guidance is essential for spiritual evolution. Many may not agree with this view, asserting that there is no need for outer help, and may even deny their inner restlessness and confusion. But in reality, anyone who wants to fashion the depths of his unconscious and learn the art of meditation and Samadhi must be guided by an authentic Guru.
Born in a small village- Dumari Buzurg in Bihar (India) – our revered Guru, Pujya Atman Swami Jyotirmayananda, attained enlightenment in his early youth by his extraordinary self-effort and has lived a life of austerity, meditation, and intense reflection. Through his numerous books, his monthly magazine- International Yoga Guide, his lectures, and by ceaseless correspondence, he has spent a lifetime spreading the teachings and philosophy of Yoga and Vedanta throughout the world.
His compassion for the suffering of humanity is boundless. Where there was fear and insecurity, he has brought faith and spiritual strength; where there was darkness or despair, he has brought the light of cheerfulness and hope. He has kindled the lamp of aspiration in the heart of even those who were insensitive to the spiritual values of life. Consequently, many have been transformed.
Swamiji’s teachings are unique in many ways. Firstly, his teachings are not filled with difficult terminologies. He speaks from his heart, and whoever reads his writings or hears his lectures, feels as if the Sage is close by whispering into his soul the essence of scriptural teachings. Secondly, Swami’s teachings are immensely practical. Having a profound insight into the problems of life, Swamiji continues to help people resolve their problems by his letters, phone calls and direct communication. Thirdly, Swamiji is full of wit and humor – his teachings are never dry. He does not like people to listen to him in an atmosphere of solemnity. Rather he makes people laugh, and when they laugh or smile listening to his parables and humorous remarks, they easily grass the most profound secrets of life.
In addition to all these, what renders his teachings most unique is the fact that he possesses an enlightened mind. Behind his dynamic activities there flows the stream of mystic peace from deep within his heart. Swami Jyotirmayananda continues to radiate the most forceful vibrations of joy, peace, and goodwill to all.”
On this 88th birthday of our revered Guru Sri Swami Jyotirmayananda, let us pray to God to bestow upon him continued good health and a long life, and may all continue to enjoy his Divine radiance and uplifting guidance.
OM Tat Sat!
Beloved Gurudev,
Om Namo Bhagavathe Jyotirmayanandaya!
Pranaams and prostrations!
It is a priviledge and honour to be able to put on record my sincere appreciation and profound gratitude for all that you have done for me
….the most important being that you initiated and accepted me as a disciple some time in April 1994. This was the high point of a long and arduous quest for a genuine guru who could guide me on my spiritual journey towards Self Realization. I had in fact commenced studies on your teachings way back in 1981 before I had an opportunity to travel from Malaysia to Miami to participate in an international scientific conference at the University of Florida Gainsville. It was then that I met you personally at your ashram.
I am profoundly grateful to you for guiding me in plumbing the meditative depths of Consciousness and accompanying me to the lofty heights of Advaita Vedanta In particular, I am thankful to you for your blessings to take up appropriate sadhana to intensify my inner .devotion to Mother Divine. Most importantly, apart from invocation, your books, tapes, IYG and email responses were extremely instrumental in establishing a very strong attunement to you, as is desirable in a guru_desirable relationship, in order to benefit maximally from your subtle guidance and mentorship.. I should not forget to put on record my indebtedness for your kindness, solace, advice and Grace whenever I experienced the many difficult trails and tribulations in my personal life,
On Guru Purnima 2018, beyond my wildest expectations you conferred sanyas deeksha on this soul and I became Swami Ramadasananda Saraswati. Thank you….thank you…thank you….I cannot ask for more. The Grace of Mother Divine descended upon me. It is now up to me, apart from pursing Self Realization, to spread the teachings of the Himalayan tradition, as represented by yourself and your lineage, to worthy souls in this part of the world.
I pray to Mother Divine to grant you excellent health and many more years of active, productive life on this earth plane. After all, you are Her embodiment…..
Prem and OM
Thine, at the Lotus feet of the Cosmic Mother,
Swami (Dr.) Ramadasananda Saraswati