Showing 13–24 of 51 results

Kundalini Yoga


Every human being is a repository of an infinite resource of energy, and this is the implication of the figurative representation of Kundalini Shakti, symbolic of Cosmic Energy, lying dormant in every human being. It is possible for anyone to tap that energy source of prana, utilize it and promote their spiritual advancement.

Mantra Shiromani, The Crest-Jewels of Mantra


Pages: 53
ISBN: 9780934664851

NEW – (2015)

Mantra Shiromani, The Crest-Jewels of Mantra by Swami Jyotirmayananda.

In this small book, Sri Swami Jyotirmayananda conveys the profound meaning of Gayatri and Mahamrityunjaya Mantras—the crest-jewels of mantra—so that an aspirant may draw the boundless grace they are ready to generously bestow upon all.

Mantra, Kirtana, Yantra, and Tantra


Mantra and Kirtana are the simplest, most direct devices for elevating the mind. They are mystical formulas which, when repeated or sung, penetrate the heart of your being – the subconscious, radically changing the pattern of your thinking and feeling. This book lists over 50 important Mantras and Kirtanas, along with their literal and mystical meanings, lending insight into the choice of your own Mantra, Initiation, the Mala (prayer beads), Japa Yoga (the practice of repeating Mantra), and the scientific theory behind this profound practice. In addition are included numerous illustrations and Yantras (mystical diagrams) for meditation.

Pages: 64 | ISBN: 978-0-934664-06-6 | Year Published: 1975

Mystic Pathways Through The Bible


The Vedas say, “Ekam Sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti – Truth is one, but Sages speak of it in different ways.” All religions and spiritual denominations lead one to the same Divine Self, but in ways that are beautifully unique. With this lofty understanding in mind, Swami Jyotirmayananda gives spiritual insight into the mysticism of the Holy Bible and the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ in the light of Yoga & Vedanta Philosophy.

Pages: 370ISBN: 978-0-934664-134 | Year Published: 2018

Mystic Pathways Through The Bible ebook available

Mysticism of Devi Mahatmya (Worship of God as Mother)


Pages: 70
ISBN: 0-934664-58-7

An inspiring and comprehensive exploration of the mysticism behind Devi Puja or Mother Worship. The Devi Mahatmya is a unique scripture dedicated to God as the all-compassionate Divine Mother. Highly mystical stories depict the journey of the soul from the misery of bondage to the Bliss of Liberation. Swami Jyotirmayananda gives us the philosophical meaning of these fascinating stories.

Mysticism of Hindu Gods and Goddesses


One can be photographed in many poses – likewise, God assumes infinite forms. All appear different, yet all are the same Supreme. Spiritual aspirants on different levels of evolution, having different degrees of mental purity and devotion, cannot worship the same aspect of the Divinty. Therefore, different manifestations of God arise, each having a deep mystic symbolism designed to awaken the mystic powers of the soul. Mysticism of Hindu Gods and Goddesses provides this mystical significance along with a portrait of each deity. Also included is a lengthy section on Avataras (Divine Incarnations).

Pages: 64 | ISBN: 978-0-934664-08-0 | Year Published: 1974

Mysticism of Srimad Bhagavatam (Stories of Lord Krishna)


Lord Krishna’s life is masterfully detailed in this book through colorful stories and their compelling interpretations by the author, revealing their subtle mystical significance that can be applied in everyday life. Through the delightful path of devotion, every sincere aspirant will experience the melody of Lord Krishna’s flute reverberating through the enchanting stories, beckoning and urging the soul towards Divine Communion.

Pages: 400ISBN: 0-934664-59-5Year Published: 2001

Mysticism of the Mahabharata


Pages: 268
ISBN: 0-934664-56-0

The fascinating stories of the Mahabharata have been well-known for centuries. Very few readers are aware of the profound mystic subtleties of these stories. Swami Jyotirmayananda reveals the subtle wisdom of the Mahabharata inspiring the aspirant towards spiritual transformation leading to Enlightenment.

Mysticism of the Ramayana


The Ramayana is one of the most significant spiritual texts of India and its vivid stories have enchanted young and old for centuries. In this book, the author brilliantly reveals the subtle allegorical underpinnings behind the colorful tales from the life of Lord Rama. When the mystical implications of these stories are understood and reflected upon, the Ramayana becomes not just an engaging epic, but a powerful catalyst for spiritual transformation and a treasured guide on the path to Self-Realization.

Pages: 264ISBN: 0-934664-57-9Year Published: 1994

El Misticismo Del Ramayana Disponible en espanol

Narada Bhakti Sutras – The Yoga of Divine Love


The Narada Bhakti Sutras composed by Sage Narada centuries before Christ are an incomparable treasure for those who seek to cultivate this Love through the practice of devotion or bhakti.   A close study and deep reflection of these Sutras allows one to experience this Divine Love that abides in all. In this book, Swami Jyotirmayananda brings clarity of understanding to this noble work through his profound insight and intuition, conveying the power of Love that melts all differences created by sect, creed or color, allowing the mind to see the Oneness in all.

Pages: 240 | ISBN: 978-0-934664-42-4 | Year Published: 1982

Raja Yoga Sutras


Raja Yoga presents an in-depth study of the mind based on revelations of enlightened sages compiled by Sage Patanjali centuries before Christ. Literally translated as the “Royal Yoga,” this treatise has been the basis for yoga practice since its inception, offering a pragmatic, step-by-step guide for spiritual aspirants. Swami Jyotirmayananda elucidates with rare intuition the subtle meaning of the Sutras to help control and harness the powers of the mind for the purpose of discovering the infinite possibilities within, culminating in the revelation “I Am That Am I.”

Pages: 240ISBN: 978-0-934664-38-7Year Published: 1978

Sex-Sublimation, Truth and Nonviolence


Yoga explanation of the basic ethical qualities universally adopted by all religions.

Pages: 208 | ISBN: 978-0-934664-26-4 | Year Published: 1974