Showing 1–12 of 30 results

10-Day Gift Subscription


Now you can give a 10-Day Gift Subscription to enjoy complete access to Swamiji’s Video Lectures online!

Desktop 365 Quotes



Desktop 365 quotes by Swami Jyotirmayananda. Inspiring teachings in English and translated into Sanskrit.

From Swamiji’s Kitchen – Recipe Book


From Swamiji's Kitchen: Recipes from our beloved Sri Swami Jyotirmayananda

Swamiji has experimented with his culinary skills for many years. Here are some of his easy to follow and delicious recipes!

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Lord Jesus B & W Painting #2 (Print)

Browse Wishlist

Lord Jesus Painting (Print)


Meditative Shloka for Today (Perpetual Calendar)


Meditative Shloka for Today – A Perpetual Calendar with 365 inspiring chants in Sanskrit and translated into English. Includes beautiful and colorful spiritual images.

Shlokas, which are repeated to aid concentration in meditation, have the power to reach to your soul and uncover all the layers of mind. The science of sacred sound has been used for centuries as an aid to humans who seek to communicate with the divine spirit, within themselves and the universe. There is a variety of benefits including the effect of raising the level of vibration of the individual practicing the chant. This makes the practitioner gain peace, feel calm and become more centered, which in turn allows the person to channelize the positive energy received in a variety of ways.

Recharge yourself by getting back to the source of health, love, peace and bliss through shlokas and meditation. Let your heart open, your mind expand, and your insight deepen with these 365 amazing quotes to inspire your meditation practice every day of the year!

With special gratitude we acknowledge the Kalra Family, for their generous support and continuous devotion to the Yoga Research Foundation.

Sri Anandamayi Ma Painting (Print)


Sri Aurobindo Painting (Print)


Sri Neem Karoli Baba Painting – (Print)


Sri Nityananda Baba Painting (Print)


Sri Ramakrishna Painting (Print)


Sri Ramana Maharshi Painting (Print)
